dinsdag 3 maart 2015

-> Worn drops

My entry for the Spoonflower contest this week: coral mint black and white.

woensdag 19 november 2014

-> HAKA-kaarten via Kaartje2go!

Altijd al een leuk HAKA-kaartje willen versturen?
Kom shoppen in mijn kaartenwinkel bij Kaartje2go:

maandag 16 juni 2014

Vote for me at the Spoonflower Fabric8 Contest!

My 'cosmic voyage' design made it into the semifinal round of the 2014 Fabric8 Contest!

Vote at:


for my design! Thanks!

donderdag 24 oktober 2013

-> 2 new webshops are opened!

In the first you can buy al the cute cards designed by HAKA-design:

byHAKA at Etsy

In the second one you can buy nice posters for in your children's bedroom designed by HAKA-design:

Posterlounge: Hanneke kARThaus